Sunday 15 November 2009

What to say?

I guess we're all tired. It's been a hell of a few weeks, and I'm still shaking after tonight.
First things first, Andy's ok. He's asleep right now. He doesn't seem injured, just very shocked and shaken by this whole ordeal. We have a very early flight out of here, so he'll be home soon enough.
Spearman... I'm really sorry, I just don't know. I hope he's ok. What he did was insanely brave. I know he felt a lot of guilt over working for SOLOS and letting himself be so blinded to how corrupt and nasty they really are, and I suppose this was his way of trying to atone for that. Either that or he had an amazing escape plan. I hope it's the latter. I really want to stay here and try to find him, but my first duty is to get Andy home safely and by the time I do that, Lox and crew will have packed up and gone. There's no point in coming back here.
Gerry, if you're reading this, get in touch. You know how to find me. The rest of you... well, I know Andy will want to say thanks, and I imagine Ellis will too. What you did was amazing. You worked so hard and put your everyday lives aside to work together, all to save a man you don't even know. You might not hear from me again. I'm sorry it has to be that way, but it's safest for all of you - Lox will be looking for me, and he can be a dangerous man.

You were brilliant. Goodbye, guys. And be careful next time you decide to put up a poster - you never know where it'll lead.


Thursday 12 November 2009

Glad to see you're all ready. It's nice to be doing something more than just watching. Lox knows I'm close by. He's going to be FAR more prepared than previously, and I bet he's reading this. Well, we have a message for you, Lox.

We want to see JUSTICE. Hate to tell you, but you're never going to be safe. Peopple are angry. We will end your "corporation", and we're not going to stay quiet whileyou use innocent people as guinea pigs. Now is our time to stand up to you.

Be ready for tomorrow, people.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Urgent message from Spearman

This is a message for those who were tricked by Mr Lox.
As most of you have realised by now, when he asked you to access my email account, he had no idea what was in there. He was probably hoping to get my full name, or my exact current location. He didn't find either.
There is very little time left to save Andy, and we need all of you to work together to do it. Spearman is currently in hiding. He risked a lot today in order to give you a sign that he is to be trusted. Please don't waste that. He also wanted me to pass on that Lox will not be rewarding anyone.
We would welcome your help. Get in touch -

Friday 6 November 2009

Stay on target

I know things aren't looking great right now. We did find the right place, but they were gone before I got there - I'm sorry I failed you guys, and Ellis and Andy. We need to focus on the task at hand. Wherever they've taken Andy, he's probably alive - they hadn't killed him before, so it seems unlikely they'd do it now. I'm hoping he'll manage to get through again. He could be anywhere in the world right now.
As soon as I hear anything else, I promise I will be in touch. I'm not giving up, and neither should you.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Ben Guerir

I'm sorry I didn't update sooner. I had to focus on my surroundings - I thought there would be guards.
It seemed pretty warm as I headed out there. I was on edge, especially as finding cover to approach wasn't easy. I kept an eye overhead and thought I saw a copter - I dropped and froze, and hoped the earthy-coloured clothing I was wearing was enough. No idea if I was seen, or if they spotted the vehicle I came in - I left it a couple of miles away from the base, covered in a tarp.
I spent hours there and found very little. There was some evidence of people having been here recently - some food wrappings in the corner of a building, and some ashes. I saw a section of electrical cable that looked new, just a few inches lying discarded on a floor as if a wire had to be trimmed recently, and a paperback book. I hit jackpot when I got into a big warehouse - looked like a paper shredder had fallen over at some point and someone had been careless or in a rush clearing up the spillage. There were a few scraps that looked interesting. I'm back in town, and used a scanner. What do you think?

Monday 2 November 2009

Alright. I've spoken to your friend Ellis. I'm not sure how this Andy got involved in Solos, but we have to get him out.
I have reason to believe that the facility known as "The Box" is in Marrakech. I've booked a flight, and I'm leaving tonight. Cost me a small fortune. I'm going to be there by morning. Ellis has had more communication from Andy. He'll post a transcript later, once his net is back up. You're going to need to guide me. I've got gmail, obviously, and have set up a twitter at FindingTheBox. I can access email and twitter from abroad.
Get ready. This is going to be a wild ride.

I'm looking for the people who put these posters up. I need to get in contact with you urgently. I've had mates emailing me about them all over the place, so I know there must be more than one of you - I need to talk to you. Please contact me at