Sunday 15 November 2009

What to say?

I guess we're all tired. It's been a hell of a few weeks, and I'm still shaking after tonight.
First things first, Andy's ok. He's asleep right now. He doesn't seem injured, just very shocked and shaken by this whole ordeal. We have a very early flight out of here, so he'll be home soon enough.
Spearman... I'm really sorry, I just don't know. I hope he's ok. What he did was insanely brave. I know he felt a lot of guilt over working for SOLOS and letting himself be so blinded to how corrupt and nasty they really are, and I suppose this was his way of trying to atone for that. Either that or he had an amazing escape plan. I hope it's the latter. I really want to stay here and try to find him, but my first duty is to get Andy home safely and by the time I do that, Lox and crew will have packed up and gone. There's no point in coming back here.
Gerry, if you're reading this, get in touch. You know how to find me. The rest of you... well, I know Andy will want to say thanks, and I imagine Ellis will too. What you did was amazing. You worked so hard and put your everyday lives aside to work together, all to save a man you don't even know. You might not hear from me again. I'm sorry it has to be that way, but it's safest for all of you - Lox will be looking for me, and he can be a dangerous man.

You were brilliant. Goodbye, guys. And be careful next time you decide to put up a poster - you never know where it'll lead.



  1. thank goodness your both ok - please tell us if you hear from gerry x

  2. We are all happy and grateful that you are ok, well done x

  3. Thank you so much for your hard work and bravery in getting Andy out of harm's way! I'm glad that we could help each other, even across the distance between the UK and Morocco. Stay safe, the pair of you! Spearman is clever, he may yet have an ace up his sleeve.

  4. Thank you for saving Andy....

  5. You know you must go back, Mr Box...

  6. We couldn't have done anything without your bravery to rescue him. Stay safe..

  7. You have to get word about Gerry to us, Mr Box. You have to find a way to get in touch.
