Tuesday 10 November 2009

Urgent message from Spearman

This is a message for those who were tricked by Mr Lox.
As most of you have realised by now, when he asked you to access my email account, he had no idea what was in there. He was probably hoping to get my full name, or my exact current location. He didn't find either.
There is very little time left to save Andy, and we need all of you to work together to do it. Spearman is currently in hiding. He risked a lot today in order to give you a sign that he is to be trusted. Please don't waste that. He also wanted me to pass on that Lox will not be rewarding anyone.
We would welcome your help. Get in touch - weknowaboutthebox@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean by Lox will not be rewarding anyone?
